¿Vale la pena declarar la guerra por un meme?

¿Vale la pena declarar la guerra por un meme?

Un artículo que no es ni blanco ni negro alrededor del reciente tema de Chompos uniandes y Carolina Sanín. Intenta mostrar los dos lados, y el alcance que puede tener un meme en la vida real.

¿Vale la pena declarar la guerra por un meme?


Andrea Galindo

Body Shamming en el colegio


En Estados Unidos, una niña de 8 años rechazó hacer una tarea en la que se le pedía medir su índice de masa corporal, pues acorde a éste era obesa. Sin embargo, decidió contestarle a su profesora con estas palabras:

«Now, I’m not going to even open my laptop to calculate my BMI. And I’ll tell you why. Ever since I can remember, I’ve been a «bigger girl» and I’m completely fine with that; I’m strong and powerful. When you put a softball or a bat in my hand, they are considered lethal weapons. But, at the beginning of the year, I started having very bad thoughts when my body was brought into a conversation. I would wear four bras to try and cover up my back fat, and I would try to wrap ace bandages around my stomach so I would look skinnier. So my lovely mother did what any parent would do when they noticed something wrong with her child, she took me to my doctor. My doctor and I talked about my diet and how active I am. He did a couple tests and told me I was fine. He said though I’m a bit overweight, he’s not going to worry about me based on how healthy I am. So this is where I don’t calculate my BMI because my doctor, a man who went to college for eight years studying children’s health, told me my height and weight are right on track.»

La niña consideró que éste tipo de tareas lo que único que hacen es reforzar inseguridades corporales innecesarias, pues el índice de masa corporal no determina qué tan saludable es una persona. Pienso que es muy refrescante ver cómo hay niños que tienen opiniones críticas frente a la vida y que no se dejan pasar por encima de los adultos, y mucho menos por body shamming.

Fuente: http://www.upworthy.com/asked-about-her-body-mass-index-this-eighth-grader-had-the-best-answer?c=utw1&utm_content=buffer011af&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

Daniela Rojas – 201425227

Cómo el porno esta cambiando a una generación de mujeres

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Peggy Orenstein es una escritora estadeunidense autora del libro «Girls & Sex», obra en donde recalca el efecto de los medios en la sexualidad femenina. Ésta sostiene que las mujeres hoy en día «deben» ser sexy y actuar sexualmente por y para los hombres, pero mantener su propio deseo sexual oculto. Orenstein sostiene que la cultura pop y la pornografía sexualizan a las mujeres desde muy jóvenes mediante la creación de una presión para lucir y actuar atractivamente. Estas presiones afectan tanto a las expectativas sexuales que las niñas ponen en sí mismas como las que los niños proyectan sobre ellas. Me parece interesante la postura que la autora sostiene en cuanto al manejo que se le debe dar a la educación sexual de las niñas. Ésta piensa que los padres deben hablarles abiertamente a sus hijas acerca de su deseo sexual en lugar de oprimirlas a esconderlo. De esta manera, las niñas crecerían siendo dueñas de su propia sexualidad en vez de entregarle esta parte de su vida por completo a su pareja, ya sea masculina o femenina.

Vale la pena leer este artículo publicado pro The New York Times acerca de la escritora y su libro: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/27/books/review/sext-and-the-single-girl.html?_r=0


How Porn Is Changing a Generation of Girls



Daniela Rojas – 201425227

Heavy metal meets Queer

Libro de Amber R. Clifford-Napoleone que explora las diferentes manifestaciones de lo queer (tanto en identidad como en performatividad) en diferentes artistas del Heavy metal y del rock. Este muestra la gran variedad y fluidez del sexo, y como en estos géneros musicales históricamente se ha permitido una mayor exploración sexual y de identidad.


Brooklyn Nine-Nine


En este artículo, Kat George explora los personajes femeninos de la comedia Americana Brooklyn Nine-Nine, explicando como a diferencia de la gran mayoría de comedias, esta no solo ha mostrado personajes femeninos variados, diversos y fuertes, sino que se burla de los típicos estereotipos utilizados en las series televisivas, mostrando lo potente que puede ser crear y representar a mujeres genuinas.


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Ariana Grande y el discurso político del pop


«If a woman has a lot of sex (or any sex for that matter), she’s a ‘slut,'» singer writes. «If a man has sex, he’s a STUD, a BOSSSSSS, a KING»


Artículo de la revista Rolling Stone que explora como la cantante pop Ariana Grande ha hecho varias declaraciones en contra de los códigos binarios heteronormativos y las injusticias contra la mujer. Esto nos demuestra nuevamente como las declaraciones políticas genuinas en cuestiones de género y la sociedad están sucediendo desde el pop.

Ariana Grande reminded the world that neither she, nor any woman, is the «property/possession» of a man in a smart, scathing note posted to Twitter. The singer addressed the way she has been treated and labeled in the wake of her split from ex-boyfriend Big Sean, as well as the double standards women continue to face in American society.

«I come from a long bloodline of female activists,» Grande wrote on Sunday. «My aunt Judy was the first Italian-American female president of the National Press Club in Washington D.C. I think she would have been proud of me for speaking up about something that has been bothering me personally for so long.»

Referencing Gloria Steinem’s seminal 1969 article, «After Black Power, Women’s Liberation,» Grande wrote that there’s still a vast disparity between how men and women are treated, specifically in regards to sex. «If a woman has a lot of sex (or any sex for that matter), she’s a ‘slut.’ If a man has sex, he’s a STUD, a BOSSSSSS, a KING,» Grande wrote. «If a woman is seen with a friend with a penis, there is an immediate assumption of romance or sex and she is labeled! If a man is seen with a woman, he is elevated/celebrated. AWW SHIIIT HE SMASHED!!!!1!!1!»

The singer went on to note the value of each person’s individual worth. «I can’t wait to live in a world where people are not valued by who they’re dating, married to, attached to, having sex with (or not), seen with… but by their value as an individual,» Grande wrote. «I want the people reading this to know that they are more than enough on their own.»

Grande added that for the last eight years, she’s felt that she’s needed to have a boyfriend. But in the wake of her breakup, the singer has realized that’s not true. «I have never felt more present, grounded and satisfied,» she wrote. «I’ve never laughed harder or had more fun or enjoyed my life more.»

Grande concluded her note with the Steinem quote, «Any woman who chooses to behave like a full human being should be warned that the armies of the status quo will treat her as something of a dirty joke. She will need her sisterhood.» In a follow-up tweet, Grande wrote: «Y’all being the ‘sisterhood’ mentioned at the end… love u.

La magia del patriarcado

Patriarchy’s Magic Trick: How Anything Perceived As Women’s Work Immediately Sheds Its Value

El siguiente es un artículo de Crates and Ribbons, un blog que habla de la desigualdad de género y las diferentes problemáticas que surgen como resultado.

Patriarchy’s Magic Trick: How Anything Perceived As Women’s Work Immediately Sheds Its Value

The gender wage gap has long been an issue of importance for feminists, and one that consistently finds itself on the UN and government agendas. Despite this, there is a persistent idea among many in mainstream society (mostly men, and some women) that the gender wage gap is simply a myth, that women are paid less on average because of the specific choices that women make in their careers. Everything, they claim, from the industry a woman chooses to establish herself in, to the hours she chooses to work, to her decision to take time off to spend with her children, and so on, leads to lower pay, for reasons, they confidently assure us, that have nothing at all to do with sexism. Now we could delve into, and rebut, these points at length, but in this post, I will focus only on the assertion that the wage gap exists partly because women choose to go into industries that just happen — what a coincidence! — to be lower paid.

So here’s how the argument usually goes. Women, they say, gravitate towards lower-paid industries such as nursing, cleaning, teaching, social work, childcare, customer service or administrative work, while men choose to work in politics, business, science, and other manly, well-paid industries. Those who propagate this idea usually aren’t interested in a solution, since they see no problem, but if asked to provide one, they might suggest that women behave more like men, one aspect of this being to take up careers in male-dominated industries that are more well-paid (and respected, but they seldom say this out loud).

But is this really a solution, even a small one? What their analysis misses out is the question of how the average pay levels of different industries are decided in the first place. There’s demand and supply, of course, but another factor is the perceived value of the role, and what it means to society. Let’s examine a traditionally male-dominated role that is very well-respected, and well-paid, in many parts of the world — that of a doctor. In the UK, it is listed as one of the top ten lucrative careers, and the average annual income of a family doctor in the US is well into six figures. It also confers on you significant social status, and a common stereotype in Asian communities is of parents encouraging their children to become doctors.

One of my lecturers at university once presented us with this thought exercise: why are doctors so highly paid, and so well-respected? Our answers were predictable. Because they save lives, their skills are extremely important, and it takes years and years of education to become one. All sound, logical reasons. But these traits that doctors possess are universal. So why is it, she asked, that doctors in Russia are so lowly paid? Making less than £7,500 a year, it is one of the lowest paid professions in Russia, and poorly respected at that. Why is this?

The answer is crushingly, breathtakingly simple. In Russia, the majority of doctors are women. Here’s a quote from Carol Schmidt, a geriatric nurse practitioner who toured medical facilities in Moscow: “Their status and pay are more like our blue-collar workers, even though they require about the same amount of training as the American doctor… medical practice is stereotyped as a caring vocation ‘naturally suited‘ to women, [which puts it at] a second-class level in the Soviet psyche.”

What this illustrates perfectly is this — women are not devalued in the job market because women’s work is seen to have little value. It is the other way round. Women’s work is devalued in the job market because women are seen to have little value. This means that anything a woman does, be it childcare, teaching, or doctoring, or rocket science, will be seen to be of less value simply because it is done mainly by women. It isn’t that women choose jobs that are in lower-paid industries, it is that any industry that women dominate automatically becomes less respected and less well-paid.

So it is not enough for us to demand access to traditionally male-dominated fields. Yes, we need to stop holding women back in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers, and yes, we need to allow more women to take an interest in, and succeed in business and politics. But far more than that, we need to change the culture that imbues us with a sense of the inferiority of women, that tells us, in subtle and not-so-subtle ways, that anything a woman does is obviously easy, requires little effort, and is of minimal value to society.


Alejandra Herrera